REC Consultancy


We are drillers

We have been there, done that, got the T-shirt and have a deep understanding of the challenges you face. We understand your needs but also what you don’t need.

We are expert match makers

We are selective, and will find you the best people, who match your role profile, and don’t bombard you with CVs of candidates who do not meet your needs in the hope you are desperate.

We are responsive

We are a small team. That makes us flexible and able to respond fast to your needs. We pick up our phones 24/7 and will jump through hoops to support you as best as we can.

We are global citizens

We know and can provide talented people in any corner of the world, often at short notice. Based in the UK, APAC, and the Americas, we can help you get the right people in country.

We care

We care about our clients and our consultants. Our people are your people, your projects are our projects. We want to enjoy success together.